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St. Michael’s Manor: Employer’s offer on wage increase falls short

Update for Local 047 Chapter 025

May 30, 2023

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Your negotiating team and the employer exchanged ingoing proposals in March 2019 and had not met again until May 4 of this year. 

To prepare for our meeting with the employer, your negotiating team met in April to re-examine our priority issues. We found that previously discussed issues and language changes were no longer top-of-mind for members, so we narrowed our counterproposal on May 4 to focus on the issues the committee still felt were important.  

We were able to reach an agreement with the employer on nine articles: Definitions, Performance Evaluation, Salaries, Shift Premium, Weekend Premium, Employee Benefits, Sick Leave, Temporary Employees and Discipline and Dismissal with minor (mostly housekeeping) changes. Your negotiating team and the employer also agreed to sign off on an additional 14 articles as current. 

We still have lots of work to do on the remaining items like contracting out, health spending and wage improvements leading the way.  

Unfortunately, the employer tabled a bare-boned salary proposal given the maximum salary for an HCA at this site is $21.98 and has been the same since 2016. 

Employer wage proposal 

2018 – No change 0%    

2019 – No change 0%               

2020 – No change 0%                                 

2021 – No change 0% 

2022 – 2% general wage increase 

2023 – 2% general wage increase 

2024 – Me too* provision with Alberta Health Services      

One per cent lump sum on all 2021 hours worked between Jan. 1,2021 and Dec. 31, 2021. 

*A ‘me too’ provision is an agreement to accept something negotiated at another table. This means the employer is offering the same wage increase as provided to our members who are working for Alberta Health Services, who will also be in bargaining next year.  

Needless to say, your negotiating team is not happy with the employer’s offer and fully expect we will reach an impasse. That means we will need an Essential Service Agreement in place prior to moving to formal mediation.  

We are currently waiting for the employer to provide additional meeting dates – we will keep you posted once those details become available. If you have any questions or feedback about this bargaining update, please contact a member of your negotiating team.  


Jenna Phillips 

Jennifer Sicklesteel 


Dale Perry Negotiator  

Tracy Noble Organizer 


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