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SAIT delays project to reclassify jobs

AUPE working to ensure members are treated fairly

Apr 15, 2024

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The Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) has delayed a major job-reclassification project. 

Earlier this year, SAIT told AUPE that it wanted to finish reviewing job descriptions by April. At the time, AUPE felt this was unrealistic, bearing in mind that there are more than 800 job descriptions. 

SAIT has now told us this review has been delayed until May because the consultant it hired has not completed their report. 

We know that members have lots of questions regarding this process. Questions like: Will this change what I am paid? Will I have to apply for a new job if my job description or classification changes? 

Here is a list of answers to some of your most frequently asked questions. 

If you have more questions or concerns, please reach out to your AUPE Local 039 leaders, or contact the Member Resource Centre (MRC). You can reach the MRC by phoning 1-800-232-7284 or by clicking here: 

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  • Member update


  • 039 - Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT)


  • Education

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