Join us Thurs., April 7, 2022 6:30 p.m. Athabasca Legion and via Zoom

Join us on Thursday April 7th at the Legion (4803 48 Street, Athabasca) for an AUPE Local 069 meeting and members get together. We have booked the main floor to:
1) Socialize and catch up
2) Discuss the work-from-home situation, aftermath of Premier Kenney's visit last week, and results from the survey we released to members last week
If you haven’t already taken the survey, please do so through this link (scroll down to the 'TAKE THE SURVEY NOW!' red button near the bottom of the page) and RSVP so we can arrange for food.
If you choose not to complete the survey, you can still RSVP via email:
Doors will open at 6pm, with the meeting to start at 6:30pm. We hope to wrap up our formal discussion by 7:30pm and invite members to stick around to socialize. Children are welcome.
All members are reminded that the COVID-19 pandemic is not behind us and are encouraged to do their own personal risk assessment and take measures to stay safe when attending in-person events.
Members who choose to participate virtually and those outside of Athabasca can access the first part of the meeting through the following Zoom link:
Topic: AUPE Local 69 Survey Results Meeting
Time: Apr 7, 2022 06:00 PM Edmonton
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 1788 3434
Passcode: 374872
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Meeting ID: 898 1788 3434
Passcode: 374872
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