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Bargaining Continues at CBI Home Health

Bargaining Update for CBI Home Health Local 047 Chapter 008

Apr 25, 2022

Progress on Non-Monetary Negotiations

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Your AUPE negotiating team met with the employer on April 13 and 14 to continue bargaining. From the outset, your team has focused on ensuring a level of consistency and stability in your working conditions. We have continued to advocate to ensure that you can rely on more regular hours and income and are better protected from the uncertainties of casual employment – and we were successful! 

The most recent round of bargaining saw us finalize Article 11 – Hours of Work and Article 2 – Definitions. Once bargaining has concluded, the employer will post regular full-time and part-time positions, which will go to the most senior members. These positions will come with set schedules and a guarantee that the members who hold those positions will be paid for at least 75% of scheduled hours. There will also be more clarity on scheduling for other members without regularly scheduled hours.  

We were also successful in getting a level of stability for lodge staff; all staff holding regular lines will be considered regular employees. Though we consider this to be a significant win, we know there is more to do to protect lodge members and we will continue to negotiate for protections against reductions in hours. In the event that hours are reduced, we have proposed that senior lodge staff are able to maintain their hours by picking up hours in other facilities or by collecting hours that may have gone to less senior staff.  

Bargaining will continue with the employer presenting their monetary proposal on May 10 followed by an additional two days on May 12 and 13.  

Welcome your new sisters and brothers! 

As we have shared in prior updates, the employer has undergone a structural change over the course of negotiations. The Edmonton-based homecare company WeCare merged with CBI Home Health, along with all WeCare field staff. This means we have welcomed approximately 300 new members into your chapter and into the union. Your negotiating team is excited to continue working for you and our new members to ensure that all can benefit from improved working conditions.  


Tina Laforce Chair or 587-335-2292 

Susan Kyle or 780-984-8355 

Bobbie Narayan or 587-501-2071 


Jean Lehune (also speaks Tagalog) or 780-221-4080 

Rachel Daroka (also speaks Twi) or 780-893-1772 


Merryn Edwards Negotiations or 780-952-1951 

Tracy Noble Organizing or 306-304-2859 

Kavi Chahal Communications  

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  • Bargaining updates


  • 047 - Continuing Care Separate Employers North


  • Health care

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