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AHS Nursing Care: Tense meetings result from the employer’s disrespect

Bargaining update for Locals 041, 043, 044, 045, 046, AHS Nursing Care

Apr 19, 2024

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Your negotiating team met with AHS on April 17 and 18 to continue bargaining. The employer disrespected us at every turn and the meetings were tense. Your team held the employer’s feet to the fire and remained firm with our demands.  

We wanted to address non-monetary proposals, which is normal and what we agreed to at our last meetings. But AHS did not want to have these discussions. Instead, AHS wanted us to tell them which of our monetary proposals we really wanted, and which we could live without, and only then would they have discussions with us. 

Your team did not back down. We are serious about all our monetary proposals, including increasing our wages to match our increased scope of practice and all we contribute to Alberta’s health-care system. 

We made it clear that starting with non-monetary proposals would be the most productive path forward. AHS eventually agreed with us, but then showed they were unprepared for these discussions, and we did not make progress. 

The employer does not understand just how hard we work and what has been going on behind the scenes at AHS. They do not seem to believe what we are saying. Your team emphasized just how horrible the schedules are, that we are constantly short-staffed, and how poorly we are paid for the amount and type of work we do. But AHS does not listen. Their “solutions” to many of our problems include bringing in staffing agencies, which of course contracts-out our work and sweeps the source of the issues under the rug. This is unacceptable. 

We also discussed Recovery Alberta and reminded the employer that they must share any information they get, especially how it will affect us moving forward. AHS is required to share this information with us as per the Labour Relations Code. They did not have new information to share, but we will update you as soon as we hear more. 

Our next scheduled meetings are on April 24 and 25. Wear red on these days to show support for your team and coworkers! If you take any photos, send them to to share on AUPE’s social media and spread the word. 

Please contact a member of your negotiating team if you have any questions. 


Local 041 

Christine Vavrik 

Mellissa Bremner (alt) 

Local 043   

Sandy Miller  

Jennifer Power (alt) 

Local 044 

Marg Miller 

Jesse Philp (alt) 

Local 045 

Nancy Burton 

Angela Smyth (alt) 

Local 046 

Marty Roy 

Heather Stewart (alt) 


Kate Robinson, Lead negotiator 

Chris Dickson, Negotiator

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