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Recovery Alberta and wages are the talk of the table

Update for Locals 054, 056, 057, 058, 095, Alberta Health Services General Support Services & Lamont Health Care Centre GSS

Jun 13, 2024

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Your negotiating team met with AHS on June 10 and 11 to continue bargaining. We made little progress.  

We proposed solutions to our workload issues, but AHS would not agree with us. We also raised the financial hardship we are all facing because of inflation, the cost of living, and the low wages our employer wants to keep paying us. 

AHS did not improve their wage proposals. In fact, they restated their original insulting offer and compared it to wages that some health care workers are making in the private sector. 

AHS used to compare our wages and their offers to other provincial health services throughout Canada. However, now that those workers have fought for serious increases, AHS does not want to use them as examples. 

There is a big problem with comparing us to private health care services: AHS is not part of the private sector and should not operate like a private business. Private businesses prioritize profit over patients and proactively pay staff as little as possible. AHS, on the other hand, is part of Canada’s proud tradition of public health care services. But they are not acting like it. 

AHS should proudly offer us wages that reflect our value. They should provide us with wages and benefits that allow us to put food on our tables and pay our bills. There is no reason AHS should pinch pennies like a private employer would. 

Recovery Alberta 

The big story in bargaining was an unexpected announcement made by the Government of Alberta on June 11. 

Recovery Alberta is set to become a legal entity as of July 1, 2024. The government also says the official employee transition to Recovery Alberta will happen September 1, 2024. 

The government and AHS have offered few details about their restructuring plans. Your negotiating team often finds out about these announcements from the media, just like you. 

We know everyone is nervous about this announcement and transition. A government and employer that cared about us would want to support us, not leave us with anxiety and more questions than answers. Unfortunately, that is not the kind of government and employer we have. 

But that is why we must be strong. We must stand up for each other. 

We will meet with AHS on June 17 to start negotiating a new Letter of Understanding that will cover the transition from AHS to Recovery Alberta. Our goal is to negotiate this LOU to protect your rights, benefits and entitlements. We will share details about the new LOU as soon as we can. 

But we cannot do it without your help. 

Share this news with each other. Wear red at work. Get involved. Join the Time for Action bargaining town halls this June, as well as all the future activities we organize to support bargaining. Winning what we deserve is going to take all of us. 

Urgent Bargaining Town Halls  

AUPE’s Time for Action bargaining town halls are happening throughout June and all members are invited. Please visit the town hall website for details on the town hall nearest you. 

You will also receive email invitations, shareable posters, and timely reminders to ensure everyone has the chance to attend. All AUPE members are encouraged to join these urgent town halls.  

Wear red August 21 and 22 

Our next bargaining meetings are August 21 and 22. Wear red on these days to show AHS we are united and will fight for what we deserve. 

Take selfies of you and your coworkers wearing red, then send them to to be shared on AUPE’s social media. 

Please contact a member of your negotiating team if you have any questions.  

AHS General Support Services Negotiating Team 

Local 054  

Charity Hill 

Christine Madigan (A) 

Local 056  

Juanita Cozicar 

Kristina Javorsky (A) 

Local 057  

Wendy Kicia 

Janice Drader (A) 

Local 058  

Dave Ibach 

Marlin Meyer

Local 095  

Anna Silva 

James Sullivan (A) 

Lamont Health Care Centre  

Carol Palichuk 

Sherri-Lee Berezanski (A) 

AUPE Resource Staff 

Chris Dickson, Lead Negotiator 

Kate Robinson, Negotiator 

News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • 054 - AHS Edmonton Zone GSS
  • 056 - AHS North Zone GSS
  • 057 - AHS Central Zone GSS
  • 058 - AHS Southern Zone GSS
  • 095 - AHS Calgary Zone GSS

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