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Agecare Walden Heights GSS: Formal mediation is scheduled for October

Members, please update your contact information to stay informed during mediation.

Sep 08, 2023

Stay informed by updating your contact information 

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Your negotiating team is pleased to inform you that formal mediation has been scheduled for October 16 and 17. While we are committed to reaching a fair agreement, we regret to share that the delay in scheduling is due to the employer's "availability" constraints. Despite our team's offer to be available around the clock, including weekends, the employer has chosen not to work on weekends. 

It's concerning to observe this inconsistency where the employer refuses weekend work while expecting your commitment each week. This misalignment raises valid questions about their priorities. We share your frustration regarding the prolonged negotiation process, which has lasted for 2.5 years. It's evident that the employer's spokesperson arrives unprepared, with no autonomy to settle, and is the sole reason for the lack of progress. 

In our recent meeting, we were led to anticipate an improved offer, only to face further delay and eventually hear that no new offer is forthcoming. This pattern appears to be part of the employer's strategy, prioritizing their bottom line over acknowledging the challenges you've endured during the pandemic and rising inflation. It's evident that their focus is on shareholder gains, rather than recognizing your dedication and contributions. 

Across the sector, other organizations have swiftly settled contracts in a matter of weeks, highlighting the contrast with our current situation. Prolonged negotiations only breed frustration and uncertainty within our membership. We assure you that we remain steadfast in our commitment to securing a fair agreement that reflects market value and aligns with recent sector settlements. 

The employer's subpar offer falls short of recognizing your contributions, and our demand for equitable compensation is a reflection of the important work you perform. We aim to rectify the discrepancy between your role and compensation in comparison to other GSS workers across the province and at other Agecare facilities. 

We understand that you deserve better and are not just numbers on a spreadsheet. Your dedication and hard work merit fair treatment. As negotiations progress, we will keep you informed about developments at the bargaining table. Your solidarity and support are invaluable as we continue to advocate for your well-deserved rights. 

Please ensure that we have your correct contact information! Members who need to update their personal information can do so at



Joyce Shangarai  

Eli Soysa  

Alex Bundalian  


Christian Tetreault Negotiations or 403-978-7913 (cell)  

Christine Yargeau-Becker Organizing   


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