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AgeCare Columbia: A Grievance and Salary Grids Overshadow Negotiations

Despite agreement on several articles, salary grid and working alone policy remains unsettled.

Jun 01, 2023

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On May 24 and 25, your negotiating team met with AgeCare to begin collective barraging to replace your current agreement.

Several Articles and LOU’s were agreed upon as currently worded, or with minor housekeeping changes (see list below).

  • Article 3 – Recognition and Application 
  • Article 4 – Union Membership and Dues Deduction 
  • Article 5 – Management Rights 
  • Article 7 – In Service Programs 
  • Article 8 – Probationary 
  • Article 9 – Seniority 
  • Article 10 – Performance Appraisals 
  • Article 11 – Appointments/Transfers and Promotions 
  • Article 12 – Hours of Work 
  • Article 13 – Overtime 
  • Article 15 – Contracting Out 
  • Article 17 – Weekend Premium 
  • Article 18 – Temporary Assignments 
  • Article 19 – Employee Management Advisory Committee 
  • Article 20 – Vacation Pay on Termination 
  • Article 26 – Workers’ Compensation 
  • Article 29 – Temporary Employees 
  • Article 33 – Bulletin Board Space 
  • Article 34 – Health and Safety 
  • Article 35 – Copies of the Collective Agreement 
  • Article 36 – Grievance Procedure 
  • Article 38 – Dress Code 
  • Article 39 – Practicum Students 
  • Article 40 – Handling of Cash Receipts and Disbursements 
  • Article 41 – Legal Indemnification  
  • LOU #1 Mutual Agreement to Adjust FTE’s 

We were also able to reach agreement to make language changes in other Articles including: 

  • Article 16 – Shift Differential: Nightshift amount changing to $5.00 from the date of ratification 
  • Article 32 – Discipline and Discharge: Removal of disciplinary actions from the employee’s file after 18 months 

Unfortunately, we were not able to reach an agreement on several monetary items in the proposal, such as health benefits, RRSP’s, vacation entitlement and salaries. The employer tabled a salary proposal, but as we saw in negotiations with other AgeCare worksites, the proposed increases do not reflect recent settlement trends in Alberta.  

The employer believes that members at AgeCare Columbia do not deserve a cost-of-living raise, arguing that they are the highest paid employees of AgeCare. The employer proposed 0% salary grid increases and a 1% lump-sum for hours worked in 2023, with future salary grid increases proposed at 1% in 2024, and 1% again in 2025.  

In addition, the parties had a heated exchange over the need for a policy on working alone.  

There are occasions where the night shift has only one staff member on duty, a serious OHS discrepancy that must be addressed immediately. The employer believes that current legislation does not apply to this situation and has so far refused to meet their obligation in this regard. As a result, the Union filed a policy grievance and hand-delivered it at the bargaining table. 

When the employer returns to the table on August 2, we have plenty of work ahead of us to get a fair settlement for the membership at AgeCare Columbia. We expect a path through mediation will be unavoidable. 

If you have any questions or feedback about this bargaining update, please contact a member of your negotiating team. 


Laura Reid

Kristie Hutton

Ashley Tayler


Dale Perry, Negotiations

Prisca Ryan, Negotiations

Christine Yargeau-Becker, Organizing


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  • Bargaining updates


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  • Health care

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