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Up to 5,900 AUPE positions to be laid off, GOA and AHS tell AUPE

UCP government continues attack on front-line workers

Nov 29, 2019

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The Government of Alberta (GOA) and Alberta Health Services (AHS) have told AUPE how they expect UCP budget cuts will impact AUPE members.

The Government of Alberta is making changes and cuts that will eliminate 2,500 bargaining unit positions between April 2020 and April 2023.

Click here to download the letter AUPE received from the GOA.

Alberta Health Services informed AUPE they intend to cut 2,000 to 3,000 full time equivalencies (FTEs) in AHS General Support Services between April 2020 and April 2023. This will happen through cuts and contracting out to private providers.

Click here to download the letter AUPE received from AHS (GSS).

Alberta Health Services also informed AUPE they intend to cut up to 400 Auxiliary Nursing Care FTEs beginning April 1, 2020.

Click here to download the letter AUPE received from AHS (ANC).

This is devastating news to our members and to all Albertans who rely on public services. There are still a lot of unknown details at this time.

Your Local Chairs and the AUPE Provincial Executive will meet next week to determine our next steps.

Let’s be clear: AUPE members have known cuts and job losses were coming. We’ve been talking about this possibility for months. We have rallied and picketed across the province, and now these potential cuts have become a looming reality.

AUPE members know that only mass collective action at the worksite and in support of collective bargaining (which resumes early next year) has the power to fight the cuts. This is what we’ve been preparing for, and we will continue to prepare in the weeks and months ahead.

We must not give in to fear. We must not allow uncertainty to stop us from building the strength, solidarity, and capacity we need to take action. We are all in this together and only together will we overcome.

Stay strong. Support each other. Get ready to fight.

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  • Member update

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