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MEMBER UPDATE: What you need to know about the Chartwell layoffs

Chartwell Griesbach to reduce LPN hours by a third; 8 HCA positions to be axed

Mar 28, 2020

Chartwell Griesbach to reduce LPN hours; 8 HCA positions to be axed

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Effective April 1, Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) at Chartwell Griesbach will see their hours reduced by a third and eight health-care aide (HCA) positions will be axed.

The employer previously stated the layoffs and reduced hours were necessary after occupancy rates dropped when the company moved some residents to smaller suites at another location.

In light of the pandemic, AUPE has urged Chartwell to reconsider, but the company refused. AUPE exposed this shameful decision in a March 27 press release.

Alberta’s COVID-19 cases are only rising. Frontline health-care staff like you are on the frontlines of the pandemic, and if you needed better resources before COVID-19 hit, you certainly need them now, before Alberta repeats the tragedy that’s unfolding in B.C.

There, a private supportive living facility nestled in the city of North Vancouver has become the epicentre of the COVID-19 crisis. To date, eight residents have died, and the virus is only spreading.

As of March 26, 458 COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in Alberta, with 31 of these cases reported in care homes where infection can spread fast. The province’s first COVID-related death was at a seniors home.

Chartwell is risking more lives by attacking our vital front-line jobs, all to save a buck and bump up their bottom-line, which has been soaring. In 2017 alone, the company raked in over $13-million in net income.

Your bargaining team and AUPE resource staff across departments are making it clear to them that their most recent attack on your employment, like all of the obstacles they’ve thrown up in bargaining, is putting vulnerable seniors and health-care workers at risk, and we won’t stand for it.


As some of the workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s crucial we have each other’s backs and protect our health and wellness, so we can keep ourselves, families, neighbours and seniors’ residents safe.

Being in a union means more than 95,000 workers across the province have our backs while we have Alberta’s.

Yesterday (March 27), AUPE launched the microsite – an information hub that’s here as a source of support, care and information for those AUPE members who continue to be called to the front lines during this challenging time.

Visit the site for all the latest COVID-related information including processes for addressing occupational health & safety issues, steps to take if the employer hasn’t given you the latest on new pandemic operational procedures, well as benefits and child care information.

If you have any concerns do not hesitate to reach out to your Membership Services Resource Officer, Guy Quenneville, who is here to represent you and help you better understand your rights as an AUPE member. Email him at or call the Membership Resources Centre and ask to speak with Guy: 1-800-232-7284.


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