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Bargaining Update GSBC: More details on opening proposals

Read the full proposals from AUPE and the employer

Feb 10, 2020

Read the full proposals from AUPE and the employer

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As you may have already seen, the Government of Alberta came to the bargaining table this week seeking to cut wages and seek other concessions.

We posted a bargaining update on our website on Thursday, Feb. 6, the day proposals were exchanged, but wanted to provide more details to those who are interested. At the bottom of this update, you will find links to downloadable pdfs of the union and employer opening proposals.

Employer proposals


The employer is seeking a four-year deal, to expire March 31, 2024:

  • Year 1: -1%
  • Year 2: 0%
  • Year 3: 0%
  • Year 4: 0%

It is also seeking reductions or “market adjustments” to the following classifications, but does not say what those adjustments will be:

  • Program Services 3 and 4 (Local 002)
  • Correctional Service Worker 2 (Local 003)
  • Natural Resources 6 to 9 (Local 005)
  • Human Services Worker 5 and 6 (Local 006)

(See GOA Employer Proposals, Page 97)

Elimination of provisions for employment security

Letter of Understanding (LOU) 17:
This was the LOU that said there would be no involuntary loss of employment for Permanent bargaining Unit Employees. It is due to expire on March 31, 2020.

The Employer proposed deletion of Employment Security provisions in this letter of understanding.
(See GOA Employer Proposals, Page 79)

Article 53 Contracting Out:
The employer proposes to make contracting out easier. It wants to remove the requirement to provide 90 days notice. It also seeks to remove the requirement to consult with the union and replace that with a requirement only to notify the union.
(See GOA Employer Proposals, Page 49)

Other monetary rollbacks

Article 17 0vertime:
The employer seeks to claw back overtime payments (if applicable) for training courses (including travel time). It would become straight time for travel outside the urban area.
(See GOA Employer Proposals, Page 12)
Article 18 – Shift Differential:
The employer seeks to roll back night premium from $5 to $1.60 and evening premium from $2.75 to $1.60. Night/evening would be rolled into period with later times and applying to less time.
(See GOA Employer Proposals, Page 14)
Article 18A Weekend Premium:
The employer seeks to roll back weekend premium from $3.25 to $1.10 per hour and shorten times to which it applies (currently 3 p.m. Friday – 7 a.m. Monday, proposed to change to Saturday 12 a.m. to Sunday 12 p.m.)
(See GOA Employer Proposals, Page 15)
Article 31 Casual Illness:
The employer seeks to roll back paid time for medical appointments and partial day when you become ill at work (it would have to be claimed as casual illness instead) and convert the 10-day casual illness entitlement to an hourly entitlement.
(See GOA Employer Proposals, Page 26)
Article 36A Christmas Closure (AKA Kenney cancels Christmas):
The employer proposes to remove provisions regarding Christmas Closure. (These provision first came into the collective agreement after being proposed by the employer at a time when it couldn’t afford to offer salary increases.)
(See GOA Employer Proposals, Page 35)
LOU 7 Health/Flexible Spending Account:
The employer is proposing a reduction in this benefit to $850 from $900 and prorating for new employees.
(See GOA Employer Proposals, Page 68)

Collective agreement processes

The over-arching theme of the employer’s proposals appears to be an attempt to bog down many of the processes in place in the collective agreement designed to protect members. One example is the changes proposed to Article 54, where the employer proposes to add six months to Steps 1 and 2 in the appeal process.

(See GOA Employer Proposals, Page 50)

The above are some of the highlights (or low lights) of the employer’s proposals. We encourage members to read the full document.

Union proposals

The union is seeking a two-year deal, to expire March 31, 2022:

  • Year 1: 2.5%
  • Year 2: 2.5%

This is based on the expected increase in the cost of living.
(See Union Proposals, Page 43)

Employment security:
Job security was identified as the number-one priority by members. The union proposed continuation of job-security provisions in LOU 17 (See Union Proposals, Page 42)

Wage and temporary employees:
The union proposed limitations on the misuse or improper use of wage and temporary employees.
(See Union Proposals, Page 6)

Contracting out:
The union proposed prohibition on the contracting out of bargaining-unit work, including subcontracting, transfers of work and privatization. (See Union Proposals, Page 33)

Pension protection:
The union proposed a new article to protect pensions, including the continuation of the current defined-benefit pension even if the government were to change legislation regarding pensions. (See Union Proposals, Page 37).

The above are some of the highlights of the union’s proposals. We encourage members to read the full document.

The next rounds of bargaining will take place on March 4 and 5; March 24 and 25; April 1 and 2; and April 21 and 22.


Your Government Services Bargaining Committee (GSBC)

Rebecca Leblanc, Local 001,

Andrea Waywanko, Local 002,

Dax Lydiard, Local 003,

Steve Eagles, Local 004,

Randy Ramsden, Local 005,

Donna Smith, Local 006,

Angela Pala, Local 009,
Ken Podulsky (GSBC Vice-chair), Local 012,

AUPE staff resources

Dale Perry, negotiations spokesperson,

Merryn Edwards, negotiations spokesperson,

Farris Sobhani, organizer,

Madelaine Sommers, organizer,

Terry Inigo-Jones, communications,


News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • 001 - Administrative and Support Services
  • 002 - Administrative and Program Services
  • 003 - Correctional and Regulatory Services
  • 004 - Trades and Related Services
  • 005 - Natural Resources Conservation
  • 006 - Social Services
  • 009 - Health and Support Services
  • 012 - Technical and Field Services


  • Government Services

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