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Bargaining Update: Carewest Local 048/008, 009, 010, 035,

*Tentative Agreement Reached Between AUPE and Carewest* On July 23, your bargaining committee reached a memorandum of agreement between AUPE and Carewest.

Jul 29, 2019

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Your committee is recommending acceptance of this Agreement.

Download a copy of the draft tentative agreement.

Summary of amendments to collective agreement

Bargaining with your employer has been a drawn out and difficult since we began negotiations more than a year ago. But through it all, your committee pushed hard for a collective agreement that reflects your worth and respects you for the important work you do every day to provide the best quality health care to all your residents.


One of the biggest challenges was dealing with the “zero mandate” on wages brought forward by Carewest and all other employers in public healthcare, Alberta Health Services and the Government of Alberta. While this agreement includes wage freezes for 2017 and 2018, we are pleased to go to a wage re-opener in the third year, no later than November 1, 2019 the arbitration panel shall be set to consider salaries, and any adjustment under this process shall be retroactive to July 1, 2019.

Your committee feels there is mounting economic evidence to warrant a wage increase and we shall push hard to achieve that end.



• Article 28: Employee Benefit Plans. Blue Cross dental coverage will be based on the usual and customary dental fee guide. This represents a significant improvement to coverage, resulting in greater reimbursements of claims submitted

• LOU #4: Flexible Spending Account increased by $100.00 to $850.00/year effective in 2019. The increase will be allocated to the employee’s Health Spending Account, 60 days after ratification of the collective agreement.

• LOU (new): Supplementary Benefit Plan improvements Effective the date the agreement is ratified by both sides: 100% coverage for Continuous positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) device. Increased coverage for hearing aides to a maximum of $500.00 every 24 months. Increased coverage for Chiropractor to $35/visit to a maximum of $700.00/year. Increased coverage for Chartered Psychologist, Master of Social Work, and Certified Additions/Drug Councillor to $50/visit, to a maximum of $700.00/year. Increased coverage for podiatrist/ Chiropodist to $35/visit, to a maximum of $700.00/year. Addition of a flash glucose monitoring system to the list of diabetic supplies that are one hundred percent direct bill coverage.

• Named Holidays for Part-time and Casual Employees. Part time and casual employees will be paid 5% of their basic rate of pay in lieu of paid holidays.


We’re pleased to report this agreement does include ground-breaking language that will improve and protect your work life. This agreement includes employment security language, the best we’ve ever negotiated with Carewest. Providing for no involuntary loss of employment for regular employees, that exceeds 0.1 change provided for in Article 37 (Layoff and Displacement Procedure). This provision is in place for the total term of the agreement.


• LOU (new): Employment Security. GSS members are guaranteed no involuntary loss of employment or a reduction of more than 0.1 change as provided for in Article 31. This LOU is in effect until June 30, 2020.

• Workload LOU, provide an appeal process to deal with ongoing workload concerns with clear timelines.

• Annual Vacation. Employees shall be permitted to carry-over five days vacation to the next year. Those employees that have unused vacation time from previous years will have two years from the date the agreement is ratified to either schedule those vacation hours or request a portion of the vacation time be paid out by the employer.

• Article 30: Leaves of Absence. Caregiver leaves, compassionate/ terminal care. Death or Disappearance of a Child Leave. Domestic Violence Leave. Reservist leave. Citizenship Ceremony Leave. Update in line with recent changes to employment standards legislation to new types of leaves.

• Article 26: Sick leave. Where an employee is required to substantiate sick leave and they have paid a fee for the sick letter, the employer shall reimburse to a maximum of $30.00.

• Article 37: Layoff and Displacement Procedure. If an employee is reassigned or laid off they will be given 28 days notice, increased from 14 days notice.


Voting will happen on site.

George Boyack

Victorian Room

September 4, 2019

10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Signal Pointe

The Chapel

September 4, 2019

10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Glenmore Park

Location to be determined

September 5, 2019

10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Members employed in maintenance services can vote at any of the sites listed above.

If you have any questions, please contact a member of your bargaining team or AUPE support staff.


Tim Sherba

Denise Kuzyk

Rene Gripping


Chris Dickson Negotiator

Michelle Szalynski Organizer

Alexander Delorme Communications

News Category

  • Union updates


  • Health care

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