Planned weekend protest worries workers, but they'll to do their jobs

CALGARY – Extra security measures are being taken at Calgary’s Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre to protect patients and workers from angry people protesting pandemic health restrictions.
“Front-line health-care workers, patients and people living near the Sheldon Chumir in downtown Calgary have been subjected to protests for weeks, but things got worse after the truck convoy hit the news, leading to bad and sometimes dangerous behaviour at the centre. A larger protest is being planned for this weekend,” says Bobby-Joe Borodey, vice-president of AUPE, which represents 95,000 workers, including 55,000 in health care.
“Protesters have blocked the ambulance bay, they have harassed workers and patients as they come to and from the centre, they’ve banged on the windows of the facility to upset people inside and they have blocked roads around the centre. One worker had to sit in her car for an hour after finishing her shift because of the traffic congestion,” says Borodey.
“Our members say they are scared when walking into the centre to start work, when walking to their cars parked outside after their shifts, or to catch buses and transit home,” she adds.
“This is no way to treat patients in need of care or to treat front-line workers. Albertans have been calling health-care workers heroes for two years, but these protesters think it’s OK to bully and harass them.”
AUPE and other union partners have been working with Alberta Health Services (AHS) to increase security measures for the weekend. There will be extra staff on hand from AHS’s protective services, who are also AUPE members.
Protective Services will be available to walk members to and from their cars if they park outside the facility.
“Our members may be scared, but they are also determined and they are dedicated to caring for Albertans in need. They will not let ignorant bullies stop them from doing their jobs,” says Borodey.
Bobby-Joe Borodey is not available for comment.
Please contact Terry Inigo-Jones, AUPE communications officer, if you have questions.