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Bonnie Gostola 2023

Bonnie Gostola



Local 045, High River 

Vice President Bonnie Gostola (she/her) has served consecutive terms starting in 2016, with re-election in 2017, 2019, 2021, and is beginning her fifth term as a vice president in 2023.

Prior to joining AUPE’s Executive Committee, Gostola worked as a Health Care Aide in long term care for over 28 years and she also held a number of roles, including Local Chair and Council.

Gostola first joined AUPE through the Canadian Health Care Guild merger and walked her first picket line shortly after. Gostola knows the value of AUPE’s many education courses and bases her own leadership style on consistent messaging and open communication. She believes that with the right foundational knowledge, members can find their identities within their union and unite as unique parts of a strong whole.


Vice President Gostola chairs AUPE’s Standing Committees on Occupational Health and Safety as well as the Environmental Committee.

Gostola is a proud resident of High River.