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Curtis Jackson



Local 006, Medicine Hat 

Vice-President Curtis (Curt) Jackson (he/him) was elected in the 2023 Convention and is a seasoned activist and organizer.   

Born in Calgary and raised in Alberta, Jackson is well-versed in how provincial governments have treated workers in the past 40 years. From draconian cuts in the 80s and 90s to the devastating policies implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic, Jackson has spent decades being vocal and deeply involved in provincial politics in order to fight back against the mistreatment of the working class.  

Jackson has served as a member of AUPE’s Provincial Executive since 2021, chaired the Direct Action Committee for Local 006 and sat on the union’s Human Rights Standing Committee.   

He is a strong believer that the collective strength of the membership is the true foundation of the union and has the power to secure the best possible contract through the collective bargaining process. 

Vice President Jackson is the chair of AUPE's Anti-Privatization Standing Committee. 

Jackson lives in Medicine Hat with his partner of 23 years and is the humble father of six kids, three of whom are spread across Alberta’s southern universities. His extended family consists of two moms, a dad, 10 sisters and brothers and 20 nieces and nephews who are mainly in Medicine Hat and Okotoks. Jackson’s only love apart from his family is music, and he cites Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young, Rage Against the Machine, and Ice Cube as his biggest sources of inspiration toward activism.